Thursday, April 2, 2009

Sao Paulo

After a couple weeks at the beach, it was nice to arrive in Sao Paulo. The climate is for sure a bit cooler, around 80degrees when we arrived, and wearing jeans was actually in the cards for the evening! You can feel the enormous concentration of population especially on the metro which is super clean, fast and efficient. They have a sign that proudly claims 3 million passengers served daily in the metro system! The first highlight of the trip was seeing Zeca Pagodinho at the Credicardhall. It was so fun to get to see him again especially at a much nicer place than Brasileirinho where we had seen him in 2007. The band was big with 18+ musicians, and Zeca of course with his cervajinhas throughout the entire show! He even sent a beer back between songs because it wasn't cold enough, and announced it to the crowd!
The next highlight was playing in the roda do choro at Contemporanea on Saturday afternoon. I wasn't planning to play, but Arnaldinho called me into the roda, and I got to play a couple songs with his cavaquinho since I didn't have my instrument. It was unbelievable to get to play with these masters in Sao Paulo city with a pretty good size crowd.


  1. David-

    Is that you jamming the little lead on that YouTube clip????? Dude- why didn't I get you to bust that out when you were in San Diego? UNREAL!!!! Next time you will be forced to FIRE THAT THING UP!

  2. Yeau that was me John. Would be into playing in SD for sure! can bring it to the beach!
